Shuttle Service Rates
We offer shuttle service to Oregon and most of Washington, from Newport on the coast to Bend in the east, north to Rainier and south to Roseburg. Our standard rates are listed below. All shuttle service rates are one-way, with the Portland Airport (PDX) as either the pick-up or drop-off point. While we provide airport shuttle service, we can also provide transportation to or from another location. Give us a call for an exact rate!
Please note that our rates may vary. Contact us for an exact price.
Geographic Rates
Click on an area of the map to see the rates for cites in that region.
All listed rates are one way, and for pick-up or drop-off at the Portland Airport only.
Going Somewhere Else?
We offer Door-to-Door shuttle service as well. Give us a call to get an exact rate for your ride!
503.984.5986 or 503.984.0354
Portland Metro Area Airport Shuttle Rates
SE Portland, OR $50+
Aloha, OR $50+
Beaverton, OR $50+
Bethany, OR $50+
Bonny Slope, OR $50+
Damascus, OR $60+
Gladstone, OR $50+
Gresham, OR $50+
Happy Valley, OR $50+
King City, OR $50+
Milwaukie, OR $50+
Tigard, OR $50+
Durham, OR $50+
Oregon City, OR $55+
SW Portland, OR $50+
Troutdale, OR $50+
West Linn, OR $50+
Tualatin, OR $55+
Boring, OR $55+
Lake Oswego, OR $50+
Hillsboro, OR $55+
Sherwood, OR $60+
Canby, OR $60+
Sandy, OR $60+
Wilsonville, OR $60+
Cornelius, OR $65+
North Plains, OR $65+
Willamette Valley Airport Shuttle Rates
Aurora, OR $70+
Barlow, OR $65+
Donald, OR $70+
Dundee, OR $75+
Molalla, OR $75+
Newberg, OR $70+
Woodburn, OR $80+
Estacada, OR $75+
St. Paul, OR $80+
Gervais, OR $80+
Keizer, OR $95+
Mt. Angel, OR $85+
Dayton, OR $90+
Silverton, OR $100+
Yamhill, OR $100+
Salem, OR $105+
Independence, OR $115+
McMinnville, OR $105+
Stayton, OR $120+
Dallas, OR $125+
Albany, OR $150+
Lebanon, OR $160+
Corvallis, OR $180+
Sweet Home, OR $180+
Eugene, OR $200+
Roseburg, OR $325+
Oregon Coast Airport Shuttle Rates
Banks, OR $65+
Columbia, OR $70+
Forest Grove, OR $70+
Scappoose, OR $70+
St. Helens, OR $80+
Gaston, OR $90+
Rainier, OR $95+
Seaside, OR $175+
Tillamook, OR $165+
Cannon Beach, OR $185+
Astoria, OR $195+
Lincoln City, OR $210+
Newport, OR $250+
The Gorge & Eastern Oregon Airport Shuttle Rates
Cascade Locks, OR $90+
Government Camp, OR $110+
Hood River, OR $105+
Mt. Hood, OR $110+
The Dalles, OR $140+
Bend, OR $300+
Washington Airport Shuttle Rates
Vancouver, WA $50+
Brush Prairie, WA $50+
Battleground, WA $55+
La Center, WA $65+
Ridgefield, WA $60+
Woodland, WA $70+
Kalama, WA $75+
Kelso, WA $95+
Long View, WA $100+
White Salmon, WA $110+
Castle Rock, WA $115+
Chehalis, WA $160+
Grays River, WA $165+
Rosburg, WA $180+
Rainer, WA $185+
Long Beach, Wa $200+
All Airport Shuttle Rates - Alphabetical
Albany, OR $150+
Aloha, OR $50+
Astoria, OR $195+
Aurora, OR $70+
Banks, OR $65+
Barlow, OR $65+
Battleground, WA $55+
Beaverton, OR $50+
Bend, OR $300+
Bethany, OR $50+
Bonny Slope, OR $50+
Boring, OR $60+
Brush Prairie, WA $50+
Canby, OR $60+
Cannon Beach, OR $185+
Cascade Locks, OR $90+
Castle Rock, WA $115+
Chehalis, WA $160+
Columbia, OR $70+
Cornelius, OR $65+
Corvallis, OR $180+
Dallas, OR $125+
Damascus, OR $60+
Dayton, OR $90+
Donald, OR $70+
Dundee, OR $75+
Durham, OR $50+
Estacada, OR $75+
Eugene, OR $200+
Forest Grove, OR $70+
Gaston, OR $90+
Gervais, OR $80+
Gladstone, OR $50+
Government Camp, OR $110+
Grays River, WA $165+
Gresham, OR $50+
Happy Valley, OR $50+
Hillsboro, OR $55+
Hood River, OR $105+
Independence, OR $115+
Kalama, WA $75+
Keizer, OR $95+
Kelso, WA $95+
King City, OR $50+
La Center, WA $65+
Lake Oswego, OR $50+
Lebanon, OR $160+
Lincoln City $210+
Long Beach, WA $200+
Longview, WA $100+
McMinnville, OR $105+
Milwaukie, OR $50+
Molalla, OR $75+
Mt. Angel, OR $85+
Mt. Hood, OR $110+
Newberg, OR $70+
Newport, OR $250+
North Plains, OR $65+
Oregon City, OR $55+
Rainier, WA $185+
Rainier, OR $95+
Ridgefield, WA $60+
Rosburg, WA $180+
Roseburg, OR $325+
Salem, OR $105+
Sandy, OR $60+
Scappoose, OR $70+
SE Portland, OR $50+
Seaside, OR $175+
Sherwood, OR $60+
Silverton, OR $100+
St. Helens, OR $80+
St. Paul, OR $80+
Stayton, OR $120+
SW Portland, OR $50+
Sweet Home, OR $180+
The Dalles, OR $140+
Tigard, OR $50+
Tillamook, OR $165+
Troutdale, OR $50+
Tualatin, OR $55+
Vancouver, WA $50+
West Linn, OR $50+
White Salmon, WA $110+
Wilsonville, OR $60+
Woodburn, OR $80+
Woodland, WA $70+
Yale, WA $70+
Yamhill, OR $100+
Please note that our rates may vary. Contact us for an exact price.
Cancellations – As we must schedule your time slot, there is a cancellation fee on any cancelled trip. The amount varies pending on location and how much notice we receive. Please let us know if you have any questions on this.